
LDDS type top-blown water weeping frost air-cooler

Products features:
Water-defrosting air-cooler is one kind of cooling equipment used in those cold storages wher electrical defrosting is not applicable,or quick defrosting is required. According to applicabletemperature there are 3 series including DL DD DJ, which are applicable to aborut 0℃-18℃ and-25℃cold storages respectively.
This series product features as follows:
●The shell is made of quality stee plate;plastic-sprayed surface is anti-corrosive,and its appearance is beautiful.
●Coiled pipes are mechanical expanding tubes in saggered arrangement; therefore, copper tubes and fins are com-bined closely and ensure good effect of heat exchange.
●Water defrosting realizes quick defrosting, good effect and less energy consumption.
●Long-distance air supply or explosion-proof motors can be used according to customers requirements.


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